The visit of the Minister of Environment and Urbanization, Mr. Murat Kurum, to our Bursa Project

The Minister of Environment and Urbanization, Mr. Murat Kurum, visited our Bursa Mevlana Neighborhood Urban Transformation Project, whose construction has come to an end, and made inspections. While the visit was followed with interest by local and national press representatives, Mr. Edip EREN, our Deputy Chairman of Yıldızlar Group Board of Directors, accompanied the Esteemed Institution. Having inspected and received information at the construction site and sample flats, the Esteemed Institution made statements to the members of the press about the importance of the project. At the end of the visit, Mr. Institution, who took a souvenir photo with the workers and laborers working on the project, wished the employees of Yıldızlar Group success in their work.